Friday, October 10, 2008

Haircut Night

By cutting my family's hair, we save approximately $300 a year. It's not always their most favorite thing though! Plus, I got my camera software reinstalled after loosing all my pictures in the computer crash a couple of months ago. After the crash, I was so seriously depressed about loosing all those pictures. (BACK UP YOUR PICTURE FILES, PEOPLE!!) I came out of it and decided that I couldn't do anything about it anyway. So, here are a few from tonight. I should have some good posts (you know, cause they'll have pictures) in the next few days!

My girl. She is becoming such a grown-up. She's pretty excited because she gets her braces off on Monday!
The baby. This picture is out of order but I'm too tired to do anything about it.

My youngest son. He doesn't like haircuts or having his picture taken!

He really doesn't like the clippers around his ears!

But he does like Momma kisses!

My oldest. He thinks that he needs to drive everywhere. My nerves are shot. Not because I've been riding with him. No, I'm not that brave. I'm just thinking about my hubby riding with him!

So, that's all for now. I'll be working all weekend but hopefully, I'll post again by the beginning of next week! Everybody stay safe!


Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

My computer did the same thing about three months ago. I lost everything! It made me sick when I realized all my pictures were gone. I went right out and bought disks after Justin got my computer fixed so everything is going on disk from now on. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Alex will have no problem Monday because Meme is going. In case you didn't know not only does Jacob love your kisses he LOVES HIS MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!! I ask if he was going to stay with me or go with dad. Not to hurt my feelings he said "I think I'll go with dad". That could be my home work demands on him. I love that little stinker along with 6 more.

Alfreda said...

Where was Bailey? She told me she got her hair cut in layers. They are all so cute!

Alfreda said...

Ok. I looked at the pictures again and I can tell that is the Baby now. I thought it was her sister. I am getting my eyes checked next month.

sheila_j71 said...

I can't believe how tall Caleb is. Taller than you even. Put a book on his head or something.

Jeff and Mandee said...

I notice there are no pictures of the oldest getting his haircut. So ecited about tomorrow! Opps! Dec just gave mom a suprise!!